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Jumping and reaching new heights-My 4 month update

Made by Malyia

The Jump!!....

It's been a while....April marks 4 months since I  quit my 9-to-5 to become an entrepreneur and full time girl boss of Made by Malyia. A major factor for leaving my 9-to-5 was to have the ability to devote everything to bringing you the best product and service. I had no idea how demanding my schedule would become once word got out I had "free time". 

If you've been keeping up with the brand on social media you know I consider the brands evolution a journey. My goal is to inspire others with my journey by bringing you along for the ride. I started designing jewelry as an outlet and to create jewelry I didn't see on the market. 

Taking the leap was the scariest yet most liberating thing I've ever done!!! Read my blog feature HERE on The Stylish Standout for more details on what lead me to finally take the jump. In order to be provide full transparency I will say I have dealt with a new fear I hadn't encountered before. Everything requires sacrifice so this path is not for the faint of heart. 

New opportunities

4 months later and it is still the best decision I've ever made. I have complete freedom to create the schedule I want and many days my schedule is fully booked. This flexibility has also brought new opportunities. I signed with Bicoastal Model Management  two months ago thanks in large part to my feature on "The Best Street Style at Afropunk". I have also released a New Collection, had several blog/press features,  and I am currently working on an image & fashion consulting firm with my sister launching this summer. I have also been sharing my journey as a speaker at several non-profits including women shelters. 

The universe has a way of bringing all the pieces together sometimes it is waiting on us to jump. You may discover all you've ever wanted was waiting for you at the bottom. Thank you for your continuous support of the brand! None of this would be possible without all my amazing jewels and gems. Check out the New Spring 2016 campaign and stay tuned for much more coming soon! Stay connected and follow the journey @madebymalyia-Instagram, Twitter,Snapchat (I'm a snapqueen), Pinterest, Tumblr,Facebook.

Photo credit: So Good Rae Photography

Photo credit: So Good Rae Photography

The Stylish Standout Features Made by Malyia Designer on Business, Style, and Overcoming Fear

Made by Malyia

“Made by Malyia is more than a jewelry company—it’s a lifestyle! A brand that brings the consumer on my personal journey of entrepreneurship, faith and inspiration behind creating this brand."...

This is an excerpt from my interview with The Stylish Standout. A site created to empower women who weren't made to fit in, after the founder Michael Jones,  realized the same about himself and his circle of friends.

Check out the full feature, Jewelry designer Malyia McNaughton on Entrepreneurship, Personal Style and How She plans to Expand her Budding Business HERE.